Doug Taylor
Support Group Leader, Lexington, S.C.
2012 PHA Conference Patient/Family Led Sessions Co-Chair
One of the many highlights of each Conference are the Patient/Family Led Sessions. They provide an opportunity for pulmonary hypertension patients and caregivers to learn from one another on a peer-to-peer basis. The doctors, nurses, pharmacists, etc. certainly know a lot about pulmonary hypertension, but the Patient/Family Led Sessions provide a forum for patients and family members to hear from people who have faced the same dilemmas they are facing.

New topics this year include:
Family Affair
Your doctor’s advice that you (or your spouse) shouldn’t become pregnant doesn’t mean you can’t have a family. Make informed decisions about family options when you or your spouse has pulmonary hypertension. Others have already forged the path. Learn the ins and outs of adoption and PH. Find out how others with PH keep up with the kids they have.
9 to 5 with PH
Find a way to continue working and keeping up your health. Our jobs and careers make up such a large part of our identity that few of us want to give them up – not to mention the need for income and access to health insurance. Hear how other PH patients manage to work. Join this discussion of workplace rights and what you should or shouldn't tell your employer and fellow employees.
Making PH Sexy
Learn to recognize the frogs before you kiss them. Find the perfect partner – who will accept and respect your limitations. Socializing and dating (or just hanging) don't have to be sacrificed just because you have pulmonary hypertension. Hear how the panelists have addressed this issue and share your own tips. Discuss what to tell, when to tell, and how to tell it.
PH Goes to College
Choose the college and career that are right for you! Hear from college students and recent graduates about how they juggled PH, school, career planning, and even a social life. Learn about campus services and resources to help you have the time of your life, without compromising your health. Having a ‘health plan’ as you take on this responsibility is imperative.
Parents - Communication for a Healthy Family
Coping with pulmonary hypertension can be stressful for everyone in the family. During this session we will cover strategies for communicating about pulmonary hypertension, and maintaining the relationships that PH impacts. These topics will include the spousal, parent-child, and sibling relationships.
Parents - School and PH
Balancing your child’s education with their health needs can mean facing challenging decisions. Join us for this discussion on schooling to learn how other parents approach these issues at different developmental stages.
Spanish speaking sessions:
Hipertensión Pulmonar Y Relaciones Entre Familiares
Equilibrar su familia con sus necesidades de salud puede significar que se tengan que tomar decisiones difíciles. Únase a nosotros para esta discusión sobre como mantener una buena calidad de vida, al mismo tiempo que cumplimos con nuestras responsabilidades familiares. Conozca como otros pacientes han manejado su vida en las diferentes situaciones, siendo casados, padres solteros, y/o solteros.
Sobreviviendo Hipertensión Pulmonar: Lecciones De Sobrevivientes De Largo Término
Escucha las historias de pacientes "viviendo" y "sobreviviendo" con hipertensión pulmonar por 15 años o más. Comparte con los miembros del panel, aprende de ellos sus trucos personales para sobrevivir y aplícalos a tu propia vida. Conoce sus secretos para vivir con esperanza y fortaleza.
How can you have the best experience at the Patient/Family Led Sessions? Decide which two Patient/Family Led Sessions you want to attend in advance. This year, the sessions are scheduled for 2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m., Friday, June 22. For the complete list of sessions being offered go to our Patient/Family Led Sessions web page, or look in the Conference handbook after you check in.
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